Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

The greates change i expect in my life for the coming 10years

The greates change i expect in my life for the coming 10years

The very change I hope in my life must be a successful woman. Success in the sense of things. I can successfully boast of parents, by giving their needs adequately and giving happiness, after so long they take care of me with great effort. Success achieved my ideal of being a great woman, a woman who can support herself without the help of others, a woman who can be a leader in a company.
My target in the next 10 years, I have earned a bachelor's degree and worked in a top company with a high position. Have a lot of money to make parents happy, and have a husband who can cooperate and commit well. And also be a good parent. What I think I do not get right now, I will fulfill completely to my son later.
10 years to come I will be no more sorrow. Only the happiness I will find and get.

Nama      :       Yolanda Safitri
Npm        :       17216797
Kelas       :       1EA27

How to Respond Hoax News

How to Respond Hoax News ?

Hoax news in my opinion is not good to be a conversation or our views in assessing it. Because I think the news we should respond should be news that has evidence. Especially for all of us who have been students. Of course we who have students have a wider knowledge, we also have often conducted a series of scientific papers. In scientific papers are also already in explain if you want to make a hypothesis, of course we need a proof. News that has concrete evidence, it can certainly be tested 100% truth. So it's useless for a student like us to trust a hoax story or respond to a story.
Not to mention the news on the internet. Now almost all people use the internet. We as a student should not be quick to believe the news, a lot of news on the internet that does not match the reality. There are more on the plus and some are already edited proof of its spread. Therefore, it is important for us to examine wisely every information we consume from the internet.
Since everyone on the internet is a producer of information, anyone can produce information of any form, whether it's true or something.

Nama         :        Yolanda Syafitri
Kelas          :        1EA27
NPM           :       17216797

Rabu, 05 April 2017

why we cant speak english language

Mengapa kita tidak bisa berbahasa inggris?

Jawab :
Karena kita belum terbiasa dengan bahasa tersebut. Sama hal nya dengan orang inggris yang tidak bisa berbahasa indonesia. Pastinya mereka juga belum terbiasa mendengar atau mengucapkan bahasa indonesia. Hal ini dapat di buktikan dengan melihat contoh orangtua yang membiasakan menggunakan bahasa inggris dirumahnya, sudah pasti anak anak mereka juga akan terbiasa dengan bahasa tersebut, dan tidak asing mendengar bahasa tersebut lagi, sehingga mampu berbahasa inggris dengan lancar. Dan juga sekolah sekolah yang meggunakan bahasa inggris dalam program pembelajarannya, pastinga mareka juga akan terbiasa dengan penggunaan bahasa tersebut.

Because we are not familiar with the language. Same thing with the English people who can not speak Indonesian. Surely they are also not used to hear or speak Indonesian. This can be proved by looking at the example of parents who get used to using English in their homes, it is certain their children will also be familiar with the language, and no stranger to hear the language again, so as to speak English fluently. And also schools that use English in the program of learning, pastinga Mareka also will be familiar with the use of the language.